Regular Meeting – September 3, 2013


           I.               CALL TO ORDER: The Regular Meeting of the Weaverville Fire Protection District was called to order by Chairman, George Owen at 16:00.  Members present: George Owen, Dee Potter, Larry Helsley and Bill Britton. Members absent: Mike Williams.  Others present: Chief Scott Alvord, David Hammer, Rick Tippett (arrived at 4:46 p.m.) and Clerk Lisa Guglielmina.


         II.               CONSENT AGENDA:

A.    Approve Regular Meeting Minutes of August 6, 2013 – One error on Item III sub-category B. – correction to Herk will be replacing a valve for E-2113; should be, Fred Maddox will be replacing valve for E-2113.

B.     Approve Warrant List and Journal Entries –

MSC: Britton/Helsley approve consent agenda as presented, with one correction to the minutes.


       III.               PUBLIC HEARING:

A.        Discuss/Adopt-Final Budget for Weaverville Fire District for fiscal year ending 2012/2013.  – Comments from public – None. Short discussion on budget and there being no changes from the preliminary budget.  Public hearing closed.  MSC: Britton/Helsley to approve the final budget for fiscal year 2013/2014 ending the 2012/2013 fiscal year.  Roll call vote: Britton-Aye, Potter – Aye, Helsley – Aye, Chairman, Owen – Aye, Absent – Williams.


       IV.               ACTION ITEMS:

A.    Discuss/Consider Trinity County Acquiring from Weaverville Fire District property parcel #24-20-10 – County representative Rick Tippett not present to answer questions regarding property.  Short discussion on Trinity County purchasing a portion of the property for the East Connector.  Reminders that Mike Williams and Scott Alvord are the appointed contract committee to follow up on the property negotiations.  As of Friday August 30th there were no stakes in the ground showing what portion of the property the County needs for the project; was told the stakes are now in.  Discussion on appraisal, transfer title, slope easement, lack of written appraisal and bid, and the analysis of impact on remaining land.  Questions on the timeline of the County starting construction.

1) Adjourn and reconvene at the site of the property, APN #24-20-10 for Inspection -   The meeting was adjourned at 4:17 p.m.  Each member traveled to the site in their own vehicle.  On Site: Members arrived on site and inspected the stakes and property lay-out at 4:21 p.m.


2) Reconvene at the Weaverville Fire District 125 Bremer Street for the purpose of further discussion. – All members traveled back in their own vehicles and the meeting reconvened at 4:44 p.m.  There was a comment on the fact that no representative from the County was there to explain the outlined property; still no resolution to the questions.  At 4:46 p.m. Rick Tippett from Trinity County entered the meeting.  He stated that he is under time restrictions for the contract.  Discussion was made on the flags and appraisal procedures.  There were questions on the remaining land value and highway access.  Further discussion on the seasonal creek and drainage – Rick stated that the slope will not be in that area to affect the creek and drainage.  Rick stated that October 1, 2013 is the timeframe for the County.  There were questions on issues that still need clarification, and the appraisal is not complete; Chairman George Owen suggested the contract committee meet with Rick Tippett to work out the issues at hand, then hold a Special Meeting on September 26, 2013 at 4:00 p.m. to come to a conclusion.  No Action Taken


B.     Discuss/Approve – Entering into contract with Jeanne L. Hodge, CPA for Annual Audit – There was discussion on last year’s auditor requiring a much higher fee to renew the contract, and Jeanne Hodge having experience with some of the local Special Districts.  One question on the fees stated in the contract for Jeanne Hodge, CPA.

MSC: Britton/Helsley to approve entering into contract with Jeanne Hodge, CPA for annual audit.                                                                            




A.    Hazardous Reduction Progress Report: Chief Alvord stated that the program is at a stopping point for the summer and will pick back up again in the fall. No Report.


B.     Fire Chief/Marshall Report:  

·        Met with new High School and Elementary School Facility Manager.

·        Annual fire inspection at the Trinity Lumber Company.

·        Inspection at the Alpine House.

·        The new floors in the front offices are installed.

·        Received permits for air vessels.

·        Propane tank needs to be replaced

·        ISO Evaluator is coming next week.

·        WT-32 is at the Rim Incident with Gus and Keith.

·        E-2131 covered USFS for the Trinity Lightning Complex

·        Patch on the asphalt will be completed


C.    Sleeper Program Reports: No report.


D.    Committee Reports:

·        Recruitment Committee: No Report.

·        Collection Committee: Receiving payments on a regular basis

·        Contract Committee: No Report.

·        Tuition Committee: No Report

·        Budget Committee: Final Budget passed.

E.     Director Reports: No Report.                                         


       VI.               PUBLIC COMMENTS: None


     VII.               CORRESPONDENCE: Anthem Blue Cross to change benefit packages, will look them over when notified of the changes.   


  VIII.               ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 17:33 hours.





__________________________                                    __________________________

     George Owen, Chairman                                                       Lisa Guglielmina, District Clerk